
You don't have to be perfect to be the perfect parent!

Monthly Archives: February, 2012

Fun is being creative AND a little messy!

Messy is good!  Most kids like activities that involve a little “mess”! I can remember really searching at times to fill the days with activities for my kids.  I checked out books from the library and talked to other Moms to find ideas that were kid friendly and fun.  Now, there are so many ways …

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The preschool years!

Dress up and pretend play is part of a preschooler’s life!  Kelsey and Kaitlyn getting ready for a “fancy” tea party we had with friends! One of my favorite stages is preschool age, age 3 to 5.  Those years in our house were full of imagination, dolls, trains, budding friendships, energy, and questions!  Preschoolers can now run, …

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Super Friday!

Two of my daughters and I enjoying the activities downtown Indianapolis.  Have a “super” Friday! The weeks fly fast!  They really do!  We get so busy that one day slides into the next and suddenly a week, month and year are sliding by.  There are days as a parent that feel endless, but if you …

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