
You don't have to be perfect to be the perfect parent!

Monthly Archives: August, 2013

Minor bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes of childhood!

You can’t wrap ’em in bubble wrap…bumps, scrapes, cuts and bruises are part of childhood! Childhood is usually full of bumps, scrapes, cuts and bruises!  Most of these are minor injuries, but knowing how to take care of the minor injuries and when to call your health care provider is a parental must.  When I …

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Let’s talk toddler!

Kaitlyn was a typical toddler, she definitely had an opinion!  And her mood would change from moment to moment! You wake up one day, and it is a whole new ball game.  You now have a toddler.  Toddlers are so much fun, but can also be a challenge.  We are not used to our child …

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